Saturday, 5 November 2016

दिल ना तोड़ें

एक राजमहल में कामवाली और उसका बेटा काम करते थे! एक दिन राजमहल में कामवाली के बेटे को हीरा मिलता है। वो माँ को बताता है….

कामवाली होशियारी से वो हीरा बाहर फेककर कहती है ये कांच है हीरा नहीं…..

कामवाली घर जाते वक्त चुपके से वो हीरा उठाके ले जाती है। वह सुनार के पास जाती है

सुनार समझ जाता है इसको कही मिला होगाये असली या नकली पता नही इसलिए पुछने आ गई.

सुनार भी होशियारी सें वो हीरा बाहर फेंक कर कहता है!! ये कांच है हीरा नहीं। कामवाली लौट जाती है। सुनार वो हीरा चुपके सेे उठाकर जौहरी के पास ले जाता है,

जौहरी हीरा पहचान लेता है। अनमोल हीरा देखकर उसकी नियत बदल जाती है। वो भी हीरा बाहर फेंक कर कहता है ये कांच है हीरा नहीं। जैसे ही जौहरी हीरा बाहर फेंकता है

उसके टुकडे टुकडे हो जाते है

यह सब एक राहगीर निहार रहा था… वह हीरे के पास जाकर पूछता है

कामवाली और सुनार ने दो बार तुम्हे फेंका… तब तो तूम नही टूटे… फिर अब कैसे टूटे? 

हीरा बोला…. कामवाली और सुनार ने दो बार मुझे फेंका

क्योंकि… वो मेरी असलियत से अनजान थे।

लेकिन…. जौहरी तो मेरी असलियत जानता था… तब भी उसने मुझे बाहर फेंक दिया… यह दुःख मै सहन न कर सका… इसलिए मै टूट गया …..

ऐसा ही… हम मनुष्यों के साथ भी होता है !!!

जो लोग आपको जानते हैउसके बावजुत भी आपका दिल दुःखाते है तब यह बात आप सहन नही कर पाते….!

इसलिए…. कभी भी अपने स्वार्थ के लिए करीबियों का दिल ना तोड़ें…!!

हमारे आसपास भीबहुत से लोगहीरे जैसे होते है ! उनकी दिल और भावनाओं को .. कभी भी मत दुखाएं… और ना हीउनके अच्छे गुणों के टुकड़े करिय !

A Small Good Deed

A man was asked to paint a boat.

He brought with him paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him.

While painting, he realized there was a hole in the hull and decided to repair it.

When finished painting, he received his money and left.

The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with a nice cheque, much higher than the payment for painting.

The painter was surprised:
- You've already paid me for painting the boat!
- he said.
- But this is not for the paint job.

It's for having repaired the hole in the boat. Ah! But it was such a small service... certainly it's not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant!

My dear friend, you do not understand. Let me tell you what happened.

When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention about the hole.

When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip.

They did not know that there was a hole. I was not at home at that time.

When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole.

Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.

Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did? You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your "small" good deed.

So, no matter who, when or how. Just continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively and carefully repair all the "leaks" you find, because you never know when one is in need of us or when God holds a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful and important to someone.

You may have repaired numerous "boat holes" along the way, of several people without realizing how many lives you've saved.

Keep Me In Your Prayers

A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. The two survivors, not knowing what else to do, agreed that they had no other recourse but to pray to God.

However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the land, and he was able to eat its fruit. The other man's parcel of land remained barren.

After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a wife. The next day, there was a woman who swam to his side of the land. On the other side of the island, there was nothing.

Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more food. The next day, like magic, all of these were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing.

Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at his side of the island.

The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island. He considered the other man unworthy to receive God's blessings, since none of his prayers had been answered.

As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heaven booming, "Why are you leaving your companion on the island?"

"My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them," the first man answered, "His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything."

"You are mistaken!" the voice rebuked him. "He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings."

"Tell me", the first man asked the voice, "what did he pray for that I should owe him anything?"

"He prayed that all your prayers be answered."

For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but also those of others praying for us.

"What you do for others is more important than what you do for yourself."

My prayer for you today is that all your prayers are answered. Be blessed.

Each Gives What He/She Has

Back in the days when Germany was divided, a huge wall separated East and West Berlin. One day, some people in East Berlin took a truck load of garbage and dumped it on the West Berlin side.

The people of West Berlin could have done the same thing, but they didn't. Instead they took a truck load of canned goods, bread, milk and other provisions, and neatly stacked it on the East Berlin side.

On top of this stack they placed the sign:


How very true! You can only give what you have. What do you have inside of you?
  • Is it hate or love?
  • Violence or peace?
  • Death or life?
  • What have you acquired over the years?
  • Is it the capacity to build or capacity to destroy?
  • Is it the ability to make money or steal money?
  • Is it ingenuity to develop good things that will benefit mankind or ability to bomb those good things that others have labored to build?


3 Boons of Mahadeva

Kashi was created by Lord Shiva and is an independent intelligence called Kashi Devi.

After He created Her, Kashi Devi asked a boon of Lord Shiva, Mahadeva, Bless me so that whoever enters Kashi (Varanasi) will obtain liberation.

Mahadeva then gave three boons:

First, whoever comes into Kashi and gets into the Ganga (the Ganges River) to take snaan (sacred bath), will have all their sins washed away.

Second, whoever dies in Kashi will be liberated.

And third, whoever’s body is brought and burnt in Manikarnika Ghat or Harishchandra Ghat will also be liberated.’ Kashi Devi was really happy with these three boons.

But Devi Parvati interfered and said, ‘Mahadeva, don’t you feel you made liberation very cheap and enlightenment so easy? Everyone can get it!’

Mahadeva said, ‘Don’t worry, I will take you to Kashi and show you. Come.’

Meanwhile, this boon that Mahadeva gave to Kashi Devi became very popular. In the next few days, almost the whole world had gathered to take a bath in the Ganga.

Mahadeva and Devi arrived in Kashi. Mahadeva said to Devi, ‘Now let both of us become human beings. I will lie down pretending I’m your dead husband and you sit down here acting as the widow, crying. If any person without sin touches me, I will come back to life. If somebody with sin touches me and tries to bring me back to life, they will die.’

Mahadeva lay down as a dead body and Devi sat there crying extremely loudly.

All the people who had come to take a bath in the Ganga came and asked Devi, ‘What happened? What happened? Why are you crying? Why is such a beautiful lady sitting and crying in front of such a beautiful man?’

Devi said, ‘My young husband has died. If anybody without sin touches my husband’s body, he will come back to life. But if you have done some sin and you touch him, your head will burst and you will die!’

From morning to night, millions of people took bath in the Ganga, but not a single person dared to touch this body!

Late that night, one drunkard fellow came. He also asked Devi, ‘What happened?’ Devi said, ‘If anybody without sin touches my husband, he will come back to life. But if a person with sin touches him, that person will die!’

Devi thought that this man will start running away like all the others. But that drunken fellow looked at Devi and said, ‘Wait, wait, wait …. I heard Shiva has given some boon.’ So he gets into the Ganga, takes a bath and comes out. Then he said, ‘I have done all types of sins. But now, after taking bath in the Ganga, I am free of all sins because Shiva gave this boon.’

Then he touches the dead body of the husband! Naturally, Shiva comes back to life and gives darshan, liberating him.

Then Mahadeva asks Devi, ‘Do you see now? Millions may take a bath in the Ganga, but how many of them really believe in my boon?'

Millions may visit and perform religious rituals, but how many of them understand the context of what they are doing?

So don't worry, even if I shower everyone with boons, only those who are worthy, who are already in the space of completion and feeling connection, will even be ready to receive them!'"